Prof. Raubal gave a talk at the Fachtagung Elektromobilität Conference on Geographic information Analysis for Future Electric Mobility: Smart Charging and Energy Saving Potentials (in German).
Ye Hong Joins MIE Lab
We welcome Ye as our new team member! He holds a B.Sc. in GIS and remote sensing from Sun Yat-sen University, China, and an M.Sc. in Geomatics from ETH Zurich. His work will focus on understanding human mobility behavior and develop models for mobility prediction.
Read more here!
Estimation of Moran’s I in the Context of Uncertain Mobile Sensor Measurements
In our recently published 2021 GIScience paper “Estimation of Moran’s I in the Context of Uncertain Mobile Sensor Measurements“, we study the problem of how to quantify the spatial autocorrelation of samples that were recorded at different points in space and time. Such data is commonly produced by mobile sensors, e.g., the temperature sensors of cars, but also by social phenomena such as location checkins of people. As not only the sensors move, but also the phenomena (potentially) change over time, an autocorrelation value such as Moran’s I can either be inaccurate or impossible to compute due to a lack of data. Instead, we propose to weigh the contribution of different samples based on an empirically projected uncertainty. This weakening of the impact of uncertain samples leads to more stable estimations of spatial autocorrelation quantifications such as Moran’s I.