

Bike network planning in limited urban space
Nina Wiedemann, Christian Nöbel, Lukas Ballo, Martin Henry, Martin Raubal
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2025): 103135

Is a 15-Minute City Within Reach? Measuring Multimodal Accessibility and Carbon Footprint in 12 Major American Cities
Tanhua Jin, Kailai Wang, Yanan Xin, Jian Shi, Ye Hong, and Frank Witlox
Land Use Policy 142 (2024): 107180.

Quantifying the dynamic predictability of train delay with uncertainty-aware neural networks
Thomas Spanninger, Nina Wiedemann, and Francesco Corman
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 162 (2024): 104563.

Where you go is who you are: a study on machine learning based semantic privacy attacks
Nina Wiedemann, Krzysztof Janowicz, Martin Raubal, and Ourania Kounadi
Journal of Big Data, 11(1), 1-31.


Spatially-aware station based car-sharing demand prediction
Dominik Mühlematter, Nina Wiedemann, Yanan Xin, Martin Raubal
Journal of Transport Geography, 114, 103765, 2023

Vehicle-to-grid and car sharing: Willingness for flexibility in reservation times in Switzerland
Esra Suel, Yanan Xin, Nina Wiedemann, Lorenzo Nespoli, Vasco Medici, Antonin Danalet, Martin Raubal
Transportation Research Part D, 126, 104014, 2023

Benchmarking Regression Models Under Spatial Heterogeneity
Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin, and René Westerholt
12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023), 277, pp. 11:1-11:15, 2023

Evaluating geospatial context information for travel mode detection
Ye Hong, Emanuel Stüdeli, and Martin Raubal
Journal of Transport Geography, 113, 103736, 2023

Context-aware multi-head self-attentional neural network model for next location prediction
Ye Hong, Yatao Zhang, Konrad Schindler, and Martin Raubal
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 156, 104315, 2023

Influence of tracking duration on the privacy of individual mobility graphs
Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin, Esra Suel, Ye Hong, and Yanan Xin
Journal of Location Based Services, 1-19, 2023

Incorporating multimodal context information into traffic speed forecasting through graph deep learning
Yatao Zhang, Tianhong Zhao, Song Gao, and Martin Raubal
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-27, 2023

Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds From Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities
Moritz Neun, Christian Eichenberger, Yanan Xin, Cheng Fu, Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin, Martin Tomko, Lukas Ambühl, Luca Hermes, and Michael Kopp
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023

Trackintel:  An open-source Python library for human mobility analysis
Henry Martin, Ye Hong, Nina Wiedemann, Dominik Bucher, and Martin Raubal
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 101, 101938, 2023

Conserved quantities in human mobility: From locations to trips
Ye Hong, Henry Martin, Yanan Xin, Dominik Bucher, Daniel J. Reck, Kay W. Axhausen, and Martin Raubal
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 146, 103979, 2023

Graph-based mobility profiling
Henry Martin, Nina Wiedemann, Daniel J. Reck, and Martin Raubal
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 100, 101910, 2023


Street-level traffic flow and context sensing analysis through semantic integration of multisource geospatial data
Yatao Zhang and Martin Raubal
Transactions in GIS,, 2022

Traffic4cast at neurips 2021-temporal and spatial few-shot transfer learning in gridded geo-spatial processes.
Christian Eichenberger, Moritz Neun, Henry Martin, Pedro Herruzo, Markus Spanring, Yichao Lu, Sungbin Choi et al.
In NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track, pp. 97-112. PMLR, 2022.

Vision Paper: Causal Inference for Interpretable and Robust Machine Learning in Mobility Analysis
Yanan Xin, Natasa Tagasovska, Fernando Perez-Cruz, and Martin Raubal
ACM SIGSPATIAL ’22,, 2022.

How do you go where? Improving next location prediction by learning travel mode information using transformers
Ye Hong, Henry Martin, and Martin Raubal
ACM SIGSPATIAL ’22,, 2022.

Influence of tracking duration on the privacy of individual mobility graphs
Henry Martin, Nina Wiedemann, Esra Suel, Ye Hong, and Yanan Xin
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Location-Based Services. Technical University of Munich, 2022.

Urban Mobility Analytics (Dagstuhl Seminar 22162)
David Jonietz, Monika Sester, Kathleen Stewart, Stephan Winter, Martin Tomko, and Yanan Xin.
Dagstuhl Reports 12, no. 4 (2022): 26-53.

Optimizing Electric Vehicle Charging Schedules Based on Probabilistic Forecast of Individual Mobility
Haojun Cai, Yanan Xin, Henry Martin, and Martin Raubal
AGILE GIScience Ser., 3, 3,, 2022.

Unlocking social network analysis methods for studying human mobility
Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin, and Martin Raubal
AGILE GIScience Ser., 3, 19,, 2022.

Using rooftop photovoltaic generation to cover individual electric vehicle demand — A detailed case study
Henry Martin, René Buffat, Dominik Bucher, Jannik Hamper and Martin Raubal
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157, 2022.

Mode choice, substitution patterns and environmental impacts of shared and personal micro-mobility.
Daniel J. Reck, Henry Martin and Kay W. Axhausen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 102 2022.


Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2020 – yet more on the unreasonable effectiveness of gridded geo-spatial processes
Michael Kopp, David Kreil, Moritz Neun, David Jonietz, Henry Martin, Pedro Herruzo, Aleksandra Gruca, Ali Soleymani, Fanyou Wu, Yang Liu, Jingwei Xu, Jianjin Zhang, Jay Santokhi, Alabi Bojesomo, Hasan Al Marzouqi, Panos Liatsis, Pak Hay Kwok, Qi Qi, Sepp Hochreiter
Proceedings of the NeurIPS 2020 Competition and Demonstration Track, PMLR 133:325-343, 2021

Connecting Northeast Asia: Renewable Energy and Prospects for Cooperation
Cesare M Scartozzi, Roberto Orsi, Maximilian Ernst and Henry Martin
Asian Perspective 45.4: 761-783, 2021

ETH Mobility Initiative Project MI-01-19 Empirical use and Impact analysis of MaaS
Henry Martin, Daniel J. Reck, Kay W. Axhausen and Martin Raubal
ETH Zürich, 2021.

Geosmartness for personalized and sustainable future urban mobility.
Martin Raubal, Dominik Bucher and Henry Martin
Urban Informatics. Springer, Singapore, 59-83, 2021

Traffic Forecasting on Traffic Moving Snippets
Wiedemann, Nina, and Martin Raubal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.14383, 2021.

Applications of Deep Learning in Congestion Detection, Prediction and Alleviation: A Survey
Nishant Kumar and Martin Raubal
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 133, 2021.

Anomaly Detection for Volunteered Geographic Information: A Case Study of Safecast Data
Yanan Xin
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2021.

A Clustering-Based Framework for Individual Travel Behaviour Change Detection
Ye Hong, Yanan Xin, Henry Martin, Dominik Bucher, and Martin Raubal
11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2021), September 27-30, 2021, Poznan, Poland.

Visual Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Phenomena with 1D Projections
Max Franke, Henry Martin, Steffen Koch, and Kuno Kurzhals
In Eurovis 2021-23rd EG Conference on Visualization, 2021.

Using Information and Communication Technologies to Facilitate Mobility Behaviour Change and Enable Mobility as a Service
Henry Martin, Daniel J. Reck, and Martin Raubal
GI-Forum Journal for Geographic Information Science, 2021.

Mode Choice, Substitution Patterns and Environmental Impacts of Shared and Personal Micro-Mobility
Daniel J. Reck, Henry Martin, and Kay W. Axhausen
21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2021), 2021.

Applying Frequent-Pattern Mining and Time Geography to Impute Gaps in Smartphone-Based Human-Movement Data
Pengxiang Zhao, David Jonietz, and Martin Raubal
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2021.


The surprising efficiency of framing geo-spatial time series forecasting as a video prediction task–Insights from the IARAI Traffic4cast Competition at NeurIPS 2019
David P Kreil, Michael K Kopp, David Jonietz, Moritz Neun, Aleksandra Gruca, Pedro Herruzo, Henry Martin, Ali Soleymani, Sepp Hochreiter NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration Track, 2019

Graph-ResNets for short-term traffic forecasts in almost unknown cities
Henry Martin, Dominik Bucher, Ye Hong, René Buffat, Christian Rupprecht, Martin Raubal
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 123:153–163, 2020 NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration Track.

Estimation of Moran’s I in the Context of Uncertain Mobile Sensor Measurements
Dominik Bucher, Henry Martin, David Jonietz, Martin Raubal and René Westerholt
11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2021), September 27-30, 2021, Poznan, Poland.

Exploring Factors that Influence Individuals’ Choice Between Internal Combustion Engine Cars and Electric Vehicles
Dominik Bucher, Henry Martin, Jannik Hamper, Atefeh Jaleh, Henrik Becker, Pengxiang Zhao and Martin Raubal
23rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE 2020) (cancelled), pp.2, Göttingen: Copernicus, June 16-​19, 2020, Chania, Crete, Greece.

Space-​time dynamics of cab drivers’ stay behaviors and their relationships with built environment characteristics
Pengxiang Zhao, Yang Xu, Xintao Liu and Mei-​Po Kwan
Cities, vol. 101, pp. 102689, Oxford: Elsevier, 2020.

Spatial data science for sustainable mobility
Martin Raubal
Journal of Spatial Information Science, vol. 20, pp. 109-​114, Orono, ME: National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, 2020.

Geosmartness for personalized and sustainable future urban mobility
Martin Raubal, Dominik Bucher and Henry Martin
In Urban Informatics, edited by Shi, Wenzhong, Goodchild, Michael F., Batty, Michael and Kwan, Mei-​Po, Springer, 2020.

An empirical study on the intra-​urban goods movement patterns using logistics big data
Pengxiang Zhao, Xintao Liu, Wenzhong Shi, Tao Jia, Wengen Li and Min Chen
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 34: no. 6, pp. 1089-​1116, London: Taylor & Francis, 2020.



It’s the Spatial Data Science, stupid!
Martin Raubal
Santa Barbara, CA: Center for Spatial Studies at the University of California, 2019.

Analyzing performance in Orienteering from movement trajectories and contextual information
Christian Sailer, Henry Martin, Luca Gaia and Martin Raubal
15th International Conference on Location-​Based Services (LBS 2019), Vienna, Austria, pp.141-​146, Wien: ReposiTUm der Bibliothek der Technischen Universität Wien, November 11-​13, 2019.

Traffic4cast-​Traffic Map Movie Forecasting — Team MIE-​Lab
Henry Martin, Ye Hong, Dominik Bucher, René Buffat and Christian Rupprecht
arXiv, pp. 1910.13824, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 2019.

Interactions between Bus, Metro, and Taxi Use before and after the Chinese Spring Festival
Jianwei Huang, Xintao Liu, Pengxiang Zhao, Junwei Zhang and Mei-​Po Kwan
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-​Information, vol. 8: no. 10, pp. 445, Basel: MDPI, 2019.

Energy and greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials resulting from different commuter electric bicycle adoption scenarios in Switzerland
Dominik Bucher, René Buffat, Andreas Froemelt, Martin Raubal
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, 2019.

Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpooling
Haosheng Huang, Dominik Bucher, Julian Kissling, Robert Weibel and Martin Raubal
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 20: no. 9, pp. 3513-​3525, New York, NY: IEEE, 2019.

Towards Seamless Mobile Learning with Mixed Reality on Head-​Mounted Displays
Christian Sailer, David Rudi, Kuno Kurzhals and Martin Raubal
18th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning:Future Learning Through Experiences and Spaces (mLearn 2019), Delft, Netherlands, September 16-​18, 2019.

A Large Scale, App-​Based Behaviour Change Experiment Persuading Sustainable Mobility Patterns: Methods, Results and Lessons Learnt
Francesca Cellina, Dominik Bucher, Francesca Mangili, José Veiga Simão, Roman Rudel and Martin Raubal
Sustainability, vol. 11: no. 9, pp. 2674, Basel: MDPI, 2019.

Does new bicycle infrastructure result in new or rerouted bicyclists? A longitudinal GPS study in Oslo
Ray Pritchard, Dominik Bucher and Yngve Frøyen
Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 77, pp. 113-​125, Oxford: Elsevier, 2019.

A Clustering-​Based Framework for Understanding Individuals’ Travel Mode Choice Behavior
Pengxiang Zhao, Dominik Bucher, Henry Martin and Martin Raubal
22nd Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE 2019), Limassol, Cyprus, pp.77-​94, Cham: Springer, June 17-​20, 2019.

Beyond Limitations of Current Behaviour Change Apps for Sustainable Mobility: Insights from a User-​Centered Design and Evaluation Process
Francesca Cellina, Dominik Bucher, José Veiga Simão, Roman Rudel and Martin Raubal
Sustainability, vol. 11: no. 8, pp. 2281, Basel: MDPI, 2019.

Measuring the Geometric and Semantic Similarity of Space–Time Prisms Using Temporal Signatures
Harvey J. Miller, Young Jaegal and Martin Raubal
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, vol. 109: no. 3, pp. 730-​753, London: Informa UK Limited, 2019.

A Multiple Regression Approach for Traffic Flow Estimation
Lilian Pun, Pengxiang Zhao and Xintao Liu
IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 35998-​36009, Piscatway, NJ: IEEE, 2019.

From location tracking to personalized eco-feedback: A framework for geographic information collection, processing and visualization to promote sustainable mobility behaviors
Dominik Bucher, Francesca Mangili, Francesca Cellina, Claudio Bonesana, David Jonietz, Martin Raubal
Travel Behaviour and Society, 2019.

Begleitstudie SBB Green Class – Abschlussbericht
Henry Martin, Henrik Becker, Dominik Bucher, David Jonietz, Martin Raubal and Kay W. Axhausen
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs-​ und Raumplanung, vol. 1439, Zurich: IVT, ETH Zürich, 2019.

Exploiting Structure in Human Mobility Behavior using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
Henry Martin, Dominik Bucher
1st Swiss Workshop on Machine Learning for Environmental and Geosciences, Zurich, Switzerland, 2019.



Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Purpose Imputation
Henry Martin, Dominik Bucher, Esra Suel, Pengxiang Zhao, Fernando Perez-Cruz, Martin Raubal
Modeling and Decision-Making in the Spatiotemporal Domain (Workshop at the Thirty-Second Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS), Montreal, Canada, 2018.

Multimodal Route Planning with Public Transport and Carpooling
Haosheng Huang, Dominik Bucher, Julian Kissling, Robert Weibel, Martin Raubal
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018.

Using Stream Processing to Find Suitable Rides: An Exploration based on New York City Taxi Data
Roswita Tschümperlin, Dominik Bucher, Joram Schito
Spatial Big Data and Machine Learning in GIScience Workshop at the 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience) 2018, Melbourne, Australia, 2018.

Intersections of our World
Paolo Fogliaroni, Dominik Bucher, Nikola Jankovic, Ioannis Giannopoulos
10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience) 2018, Melbourne, Australia, 2018.

Assessing the Influence of Spatio-Temporal Context for Next Place Prediction using Different Machine Learning Approaches
Jorim Urner, Dominik Bucher, Jing Yang, David Jonietz
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7(5), 166.  Featured Cover Article.

Identifying and Interpreting Clusters of Persons with Similar Mobility Behaviour Change Processes
David Jonietz, Dominik Bucher, Henry Martin and Martin Raubal
In Geospatial Technologies for All, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 291-308.

Usage patterns and impacts of a mobility flat rate traced with a Smartphone App
Henrik Becker, Allister Loder, Basil Schmid, David Jonietz, Dominik Bucher, Kay W. Axhausen and Martin Raubal
15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research 2018, Santa Barbara, USA.

Analyse von Bewegungsdaten mit freier Software – Das Beispiel SBB Green Class
Dominik Bucher, David Jonietz, Henry Martin, Martin Raubal
GeoSummit Bern, 2018.

E-Mobilität: Welche Parkhäuser eignen sich für Photovoltaikdächer?
Janis Münchrath, René Buffat, Dominik Bucher, Martin Raubal
GeoSummit Bern, 2018.

Continuous Trajectory Pattern Mining for Mobility Behaviour Change Detection
David Jonietz, Dominik Bucher
In Progress in Location Based Services 2018, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 211-230.

Towards Extracting Motivation from Mobile Learners’ Movement Trajectories
Anna Graf, Christian Sailer, David Jonietz, Robert Weibel
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Location Based Services, Zurich, Switzerland, 69-74

Captcha your Location Proof – A Novel Method for Passive Location Proofs in Adversarial Environments
Dominik Bucher, David Rudi, Rene Buffat
In Progress in Location Based Services 2018, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 269-291.



Vision Paper: Using Volunteered Geographic Information to Improve Mobility Prediction
Dominik Bucher
1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Prediction of Human Mobility at the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Los Angeles, USA, 2017.

A Model and Framework for Matching Complementary Spatio-Temporal Needs
Dominik Bucher, Simon Scheider, Martin Raubal
25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL) 2017, Los Angeles, USA.

Extracting Eco-Feedback from Movement Trajectories (Poster)
Dominik Bucher, David Jonietz, Martin Raubal, Francesca Mangili, Claudio Bonesana, Francesca Cellina
4th Annual Conference SCCER Mobility 2017, Zurich, Switzerland. Best Poster Nomination.

Targeted Sensing Technology for Bicycle Research – Early Results from a Longitudinal Study in Oslo
Ray Pritchard, Dominik Bucher
International NTNU Sustainability Science Conference 2017, Trondheim, Norway.

Data Completeness Assessment for GNSS-assisted Travel Surveys (Poster)
David Jonietz, Dominik Bucher, Martin Raubal
4th Annual Conference SCCER Mobility 2017, Zurich, Switzerland.

Using Locally Produced Photovoltaic Energy to Charge Electric Vehicles
René Buffat, Dominik Bucher, Martin Raubal
D-A-CH+ Energieinformatik 2017, Lugano, Switzerland.

Extracting Eco-Feedback Information from Automatic Activity Tracking to Promote Energy-Efficient Individual Mobility Behavior (Demo Abstract)
Dominik Bucher, Francesca Mangili, Claudio Bonesana, David Jonietz, Francesca Cellina, Martin Raubal
D-A-CH+ Energieinformatik 2017, Lugano, Switzerland

Special Issue “Volunteered Geographic Information”
Alexander Zipf, David Jonietz, Vyron Antoniou, Linda See
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, ISSN 2220-9964, MDPI.

Highlighting Current Trends in Volunteered Geographic Information
David Jonietz, Vyron Antoniou, Linda See, Alexander Zipf
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6(7), 202.

Towards an Energy Efficient and Climate Compatible Future Swiss Transportation System
Konstantinos Boulouchos, Francesca Cellina, Francesco Ciari, Brian Cox, Gil Georges, Stefan Hirschberg, Merja Hoppe, David Jonietz, Ramachandran Kannan,  Nikolett Kovacs, Lukas Küng,  Tobias Andreas Michl, Martin Raubal, Roman Rudel,  Warren Schenler
SCCER Mobility Working Paper.

Uncertainty in Wayfinding: A Conceptual Framework and Agent-Based Model
David Jonietz, Peter Kiefer
In Eliseo Clementini, Maureen Donnelly, May Yuan, Christian Kray, Paolo Fogliaroni, and Andrea Ballatore  (Eds.) 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 15:1-15:14.

Timing of Pedestrian Navigation Instructions
Ioannis Giannopoulos, David Jonietz, Martin Raubal, Georgios Sarlas and Lisa Stähli
In Eliseo Clementini, Maureen Donnelly, May Yuan, Christian Kray, Paolo Fogliaroni, and Andrea Ballatore  (Eds.) 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 16:1–16:13. 2. Best Paper Award.

Towards an Analytical Framework for Enriching Movement Trajectories with Spatio-Temporal Context Data
David Jonietz, Dominik Bucher
In Proceedings of the Short Papers, AGILE 2017, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Energy-based Routing and Cruising Range Estimation for Electric Bicycles
Simon Haumann, Dominik Bucher, David Jonietz
In Proceedings of the Short Papers, AGILE 2017, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Best Short Paper Award.



A Heuristic for Multi-Modal Route Planning
Dominik Bucher, David Jonietz, and Martin Raubal
In Progress in Location-Based Services 2016, edited by Gartner Georg and Haosheng Huang, 211-229. (2016) Springer.

Personalizing Walkability – A Concept for Pedestrian Needs Profiling Based on Movement Trajectories
David Jonietz
In Sarjakoski T, et al. [Eds.]: Geospatial Data in a Changing World, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 279 – 295, (2016) Springer.

Location-based User Profiling for Personalized Mobility Support (Poster)
David Jonietz, Dominik Bucher, Martin Raubal
3rd Annual Conference SCCER Mobility 2016, Zurich, Switzerland, (2016).

Challenges and Results from Deploying the GoEco! Tracker App (Poster)
Dominik Bucher, Francesca Cellina, Francesca Mangili, David Jonietz, Roman Rudel, Martin Raubal, Andrea-Emilio Rizzoli, Claudio Bonesana
3rd Annual Conference SCCER Mobility 2016, Zurich, Switzerland, (2016).

Learning Pedestrian Profiles from Movement Trajectories
David Jonietz
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Location-Based Services (LBS 2016), (2016) Vienna: ICA Commission on Location Based Services

Exploiting Fitness Apps for Sustainable Mobility – Challenges Deploying the GoEco! App
Dominik Bucher, Francesca Cellina, Francesca Mangili, Martin Raubal, Roman Rudel, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, Omar Elabed
ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), 2016.

Promoting Sustainable Mobility Styles using Eco-Feedback and Gamification Elements: Introducing the GoEco! Living Lab Experiment
Francesca Cellina, Dominik Bucher, Roman Rudel, Martin Raubal, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli
4th European Conference on Behavior and Energy Efficiency (BEHAVE), 2016.

GoEco! – A Set of Smartphone Apps Supporting the Transition Towards Sustainable Mobility Patterns
Francesca Cellina, Dominik Bucher, Martin Raubal, Roman Rudel, Vanessa de Luca, Massimo Botta
Change-IT Workshop at ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), 2016.

Vereinfachtes Finden von alternativen Transportmöglichkeiten
Dominik Bucher, Paul Weiser, Martin Raubal
GeoSummit Bern, 2016.

Eco-Feedback and Gamification Elements for Sustainability: The GoEco! Living Lab Experiment
Francesca Cellina, Roman Rudel, Vanessa de Luca, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Massimo Botta, Martin Raubal, Dominik Bucher, Paul Weiser
6th European Transport Research Conference, Transport Research Arena (TRA), 2016.

Map-based Visual Analytics of Moving Learners
Christian Sailer, Peter Kiefer, Joram Schito, and Martin Raubal
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, (2016) Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Developing technology enhanced field trips with OMLETH
Christian Sailer
GeoAgenda, (2016) Basel: Geographisches Institut der Universität Basel.



Matching Complementary Spatio-Temporal Needs of People
Dominik Bucher, Paul Weiser, Simon Scheider, Martin Raubal
12th Symposium on Location Based Services (LBS), 2015.

A Taxonomy of Motivational Affordances for Meaningful Gamified and Persuasive Technologies
Paul Weiser, Dominik Bucher, Francesca Cellina, Vanessa De Luca
ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), 2015. Nominated for Best Paper Award.

Towards Sustainable Mobility Behavior: Research Challenges for Location-Aware Information and Communication Technology
Paul Weiser, Simon Scheider, Dominik Bucher, Peter Kiefer, Martin Raubal
Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS), 2015.

GoEco! – A smartphone application leveraging eco-feedback and gamification techniques to nudge sustainable personal mobility styles
Francesca Cellina, Roman Rudel, Vanessa de Luca, Nikolett Kovacs, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Dominik Bucher, Paul Weiser, Martin Raubal
2nd Annual Conference SCCER Mobility, ETH Zurich, 2015.

Poster: Matching Complementary Transport Needs
Dominik Bucher, Paul Weiser, Simon Scheider, Martin Raubal
2nd Annual Conference SCCER Mobility, ETH Zurich, 2015.

An Integrated Learning Management System For Location-Based Mobile Learning
Christian Sailer, Peter Kiefer, and Martin Raubal
(2015) Madeira: IADIS.

An evaluation method for location-based mobile learning based on spatio-temporal analysis of learner trajectories
Christian Sailer, Joram Schito, Peter Kiefer, and Martin Raubal
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct (MobileHCI ’15), (2015) New York, N.Y.: ACM.

Teachers Matter: Challenges of Using a Location-Based Mobile Learning Platform
Christian Sailer, Joram Schito, Peter Kiefer, and Martin Raubal
Communications in Computer and Information Science, (2015) New York: Springer.

Score Design for Meaningful Gamification
Simon Scheider, Peter Kiefer, Paul Weiser, Martin Raubal, and Christian Sailer
(2015) S.l.: GRN.

Bridging the gap between location-based games and teaching
Joram Schito, Christian Sailer, and Peter Kiefer
(2015) Zürich: ETH Zürich.